Someone in sales, investments, or another field in which clients are carefully assigned and managed can use this letter template to lay out how clients will be transferred to other people after a resignation.
Dear Mr./Ms. Bossname,
I’m writing to affirm my resignation effective two weeks from today, and to outline plans for my clients moving forward.
All of my clients are listed, with full contact information and other details, in the company’s software system. I also have a physical binder cross-referencing projects and investments.
With your permission, I’d like to transfer some clients to John Coworker and others to Jill Coworker, based on how I perceive they would best relate to one another. Of course, I’m open to getting feedback from you, John, and Jill throughout the process.
I’ll also be reaching out to my clients in the coming days to let them know that I am moving on and that someone else at the firm will be taking care of them. I’ve drafted an email to that effect and am attaching the wording here for you to review.
Your Name
Attachment: client email draft